Suspect wanted over £300,000 armed raid on England star Raheem Sterlin |
โดย : alexsomsri เมื่อ 26 ก.ย.66 15:24 น. |
A SUSPECT wanted over the £300,000 armed raid on England star Raheem Sterling’s home is on the run in Albania. Records show Henri Osmani, 44, entered his homeland on July 18.A suspect wanted over the £300,000 armed raid on England star Raheem Sterling’s home is on the run in Albani Cops there have joined forces with Surrey Police to find the fugitive. Interior minister Taulant Balla told The Sun yesterday: “No Albanian involved in crimes in the UK should think our country is a hiding place.” Albanians Alfred Isufi, 48, and Gerard Kalaja, 22, are on the run outside their home nation. A fourth man is due to face trial next year.
ข่าวเชลซีวันนี้ เชลซีล่าสุดวันนี้ ข่าวทีมเชลซี ล่าสุด |
อ่าน 8318 ตอบ 0 อ่านครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 20 มี.ค.68 12:47 น. |